Monday, April 27, 2009

Buff chaos fixed

When I started playing with logs years ago, WoW was still using the old English (or localized) .txt format - "You gained Marked of the Wild" instead of comma separated values today. One thing we didn't account for in the transition is that more fields are available now - Blizzard added the cause or caster of the aura, which is nice, but caused a bit of chaos on World of Logs.

The code doing the player details page is simple - if source or target matches the one you want information on - sum it and display it. But since auras have a caster nowadays, it also summed every thing you cast as if you got it - uh oh.

But that's fixed now. Buffs, debuffs and power gains are now split by source and target; use the tab "Buffs gained" to see what buffs/debuffs were cast on you during the fight, and "Buffs cast" to see what buffs/debuffs you caused/cast.

I knew Replenishment was a powerful spell, but I'd never have guessed that one Paladin can regenerate 141860 mana for the raid during a Hodir kill.. Nice :P

I also tried checking my own Revitalize to see how well that talent works, but damn you Blizzard, it's just like the old lifebloom - according to combat log, the targets cast it on themselves so you can't go to a druid and see how much his Revitalize did. Doh. Well, the spell details page will fix that, if there's only one tree in the raid with that talent, but otherwise we can always guesstimate it.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Getting the most out of World of Logs

For those who are interested in sharing their experiences using WoL, I have created 2 threads on World of Raids and mmo-champion.

By sharing your experiences, you will help us reach more wow gamers and help out your fellow raiders to understand how to get more out of our tools and perhaps even come up with better suggestions for Miles and Maihem



Future of World of Logs

So far we have received mainly positive comments from users. We also had people who were wondering about the future of World of Logs. and what WoL will become after the Beta phase has been passed.

Will the website still be quick enough as more and more users are going to make use of it. How are you going to cover the operational cost, since hosting a website cost money (servers, data traffic). Is there a way to support WoL, for example with accepting donations. Will there be premium accounts introduced to pay for the monthly expenses? How about the storage of raid reports?

Therefore, I would like to provide you with more information about how we would like to see WoL develop in the near future.

Our vision to create an online platform where World of Warcraft gamers can share, save and analyze their gaming performance conveniently, therefore our goal is to keep our website open for everybody and free of charge. In addition, in an ideal situation there would be unlimited data storage for everyone.

However, we are still in the evaluation and testing period to see whether our advertising income is able to cover the monthly costs. At the moment this is not enough at all. We have been trying out different ads companies lately with mixed success. Therefore, we will all have to wait and see how things develop.

There is a possibility that we will have to introduce premium accounts for users who require optimal performance and are willing to pay for the additional service. Moreover, acceptance of donations may be set up. All of this will require us to set up an administration and a lot of paper work, therefore we are hoping that the ads revenue will be enough.

About the website performance, I have no doubt that Maihem and Miles are able to handle the traffic stream when our website become more popular. Of course, there can be ups and downs during some periods.

For those who are wondering how you can help us, spread the word!

Feel free to comment here or post questions



Thanks Beta Testers

Dear WoL users,

This blog has been created to provide you with the latest news concerning World of Logs.

We would like to thank you all for testing out WoL, helping us grow steadily in the last 2 weeks after the Beta launch. We are also very grateful for all the feedback we got, since it really helped us improving our services.

This blog will be mainly used by me (Albert), probably none of you have ever heard about. I am responsible for achieving a sustainable business model for World of Logs and marketing the website.

Most of the forum visitors should be familiar with Maihem and Miles, who are the masterminds behind WoL, they are the programmers responding to your feature requests and bugs reports. So better be nice to them ^^

I hope that via blogging, increased understanding and better communications between WoL and its users will be achieved.

