Sunday, April 26, 2009

Thanks Beta Testers

Dear WoL users,

This blog has been created to provide you with the latest news concerning World of Logs.

We would like to thank you all for testing out WoL, helping us grow steadily in the last 2 weeks after the Beta launch. We are also very grateful for all the feedback we got, since it really helped us improving our services.

This blog will be mainly used by me (Albert), probably none of you have ever heard about. I am responsible for achieving a sustainable business model for World of Logs and marketing the website.

Most of the forum visitors should be familiar with Maihem and Miles, who are the masterminds behind WoL, they are the programmers responding to your feature requests and bugs reports. So better be nice to them ^^

I hope that via blogging, increased understanding and better communications between WoL and its users will be achieved.



1 comment:

  1. I'd like to commend you on a wonderful site. I am curious as to the underlying technology being utilized to deliver the site.

    Can you expound on what tools, db, languages, etc, you are using to put this all together?
