Monday, November 23, 2009

Shields and Damage Done

Absorbs used to be counted as a miss, but lately, more and more encounters force you to burn through a shield as fast as you can. For those situations, it's better to see it as damage done.

That's why from now on, WoL will count miss + absorbed as effective damage. Healing is already updated for the Jaraxxus encounter, but now absorbed damage will show up as well for the Twins (25H mostly, the other shields aren't that strong).

(It's not live yet, but will be soon)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Rankings - DPS vs DPS effective

As you may have noticed, we're now publishing player rankings on World of Logs. There's still much work to do, but the first thing that you'll notice is that the DPS / HPS numbers won't match exactly with what you saw in the report.

On the rankings, the only thing that counts is the effective DPS, defined as damage done / fight duration. On the damage done page however, DPS is damage done / player active time. We want to rank by your share of the work done in the fight and filter out the people with high burst damage but very long idle times, and this was the best way to do it.

We'll be adding DPS(e) to the other pages later, so you can see both the DPS by five second rule and DPS effectively on the whole fight.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Hardware upgrade

We'll be adding some more RAM and disks to the stats and database machine today, starting at around 14:30 CEST. It shouldn't take more than an hour, but if it does, I'll let you know here.

Update 1: We've just arrived at the data center - site and forum are now offline.
Update 2: After a little disagreement with the BIOS, we managed to convince it that drive 5+6 exist. Rebooting it a few times now and will bring services back up after that.
Final update: done at 16:13. Everything is up again.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Site news #1

I'll start posting updates here as well for the ones who don't have the time to scavenge the information from the big recent changes thread, and add some more tips and tricks about the new buttons you can press.

The biggest one last week was the client update - apart from a few minor fixes (http proxy, some timestamp issues), I finally took the time to give the split and zip feature a good look. A basic version has been added now, it does the following:
  • Split the file with a 15 minutes idle timer
  • Write the chunks to original path/archive/090721, with the numbers being the current date/time
After uploading a file, you'll get a choice to archive the file or not. If you do, you'll get the choice afterward to delete or keep the original. You can split files without uploading too, by using the Tools -> Split & zip logs option in the menubar.

Other stuff, hmm... *looks at the Trac timeline*

Well, the tooltip got smarter and tries to avoid the edges now, but other changes are invisible - removed the extended data export function again, it just dumps way too much data. Tweaked the number cruncher heap a bit more, Nagios spammed my inbox yesterday when the site was gone for 2x 1 minute when Java couldn't keep up with the CMS garbage collector and took a minute break to clean up.

As for upcoming features - don't expect too much this week, me and Maihem are going on a vacation, him to Berlin, me to Prague, that cuts into the amount of time available for shinies. The top 5 tickets now are:
  • Verify the report cleanup code, put it live on t+7d = 28th July.
  • Rewrite the chart section on the damage done table page, performance is unacceptable in IE
  • Parse the Olson tzdata to database, send only the relevant zone to the browser instead of loading every single zone in the world for date & time conversion.
  • Multirange export query - prereq for improved export, rankings, etc.
  • Fix chart data - shields and pets are incorrectly left out now
There's still a huge list of other things, but for this week, we picked the small ones so we can get something done - last week wasn't too productive, too much code got eaten by backspace or worse - deploy, argh, revert.

Report cleanup

Just a little advance warning - we'll start disabling access to reports expired for at least 4 weeks next week and queuing them for deletion.

Reports expired for less than a month will still be available until there's need for more disk space, for now - 150k reports (and rising) is a lot of data and we can't keep everything around forever.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Introduction of Premium Subscriptions

Next week premium subscriptions will be introduced, which will offer ads free content and increased storage possibilities, since many of you have requested for ads free content and were willing to support us through donations and paid subscriptions.

The following two accounts will be introduced; the standard account, which offers 8 weeks of storage and the unlimited account. The free account offers 4 weeks of storage.

The standard subscription starts from 3.33 euro per month and the unlimited subscription starts from 6.67 euro per month.

Paypal will be used for the handling of the payments and credit cards will be accepted.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Howto: evaluate healing

Evaluation of what went wrong is one of the important things to do while learning an encounter, but as a healer, it's really hard to see what went wrong just by keeping your eyes open during a try; as a tree, I'm busy enough trying to keep everyone alive already - that's when World of Logs come to the rescue. I'll give a little bit of background info and detail the steps I took to come to the conclusion.

After 15 tries on Mimiron yesterday, I took some time to look at the numbers and try to find out what's killing the raid. The new death cause overview page is handy, but it only shows the immediate cause of death, which is unrelated to our real problem.

The trouble is in phase 2, where Mimiron goes into random attack mode and kills a few players each try. To find out more, I picked a try, selected the relevant part, right click, set page to selection: damage taken during P2. Hovering over a few players confirmed my worse fear - we've standing in the wrong place.

If you take a look at VX-002's damage done details, you can see that he did most of his damage with Heat Wave. We've spread around as much as we can do minimize the damage from Rapid Burst, but that made it impossible to heal with Chain Heals, CoH and Wild Growth - d'oh! Searching around on the internet confirmed that staying close to the middle makes P2 much, much easier. We'll try to spread around on the green circle next time, the yellow one is just too far away.

Lesson learned: always take a look on the details page of the boss to see what hurts the most; optimizing for the wrong spell when the damage is dealt in a 20%/80% ratio is bad for your repair bills. I'll force the raid leader to take a 5 minutes stats break next time something like this happens :P

Monday, April 27, 2009

Buff chaos fixed

When I started playing with logs years ago, WoW was still using the old English (or localized) .txt format - "You gained Marked of the Wild" instead of comma separated values today. One thing we didn't account for in the transition is that more fields are available now - Blizzard added the cause or caster of the aura, which is nice, but caused a bit of chaos on World of Logs.

The code doing the player details page is simple - if source or target matches the one you want information on - sum it and display it. But since auras have a caster nowadays, it also summed every thing you cast as if you got it - uh oh.

But that's fixed now. Buffs, debuffs and power gains are now split by source and target; use the tab "Buffs gained" to see what buffs/debuffs were cast on you during the fight, and "Buffs cast" to see what buffs/debuffs you caused/cast.

I knew Replenishment was a powerful spell, but I'd never have guessed that one Paladin can regenerate 141860 mana for the raid during a Hodir kill.. Nice :P

I also tried checking my own Revitalize to see how well that talent works, but damn you Blizzard, it's just like the old lifebloom - according to combat log, the targets cast it on themselves so you can't go to a druid and see how much his Revitalize did. Doh. Well, the spell details page will fix that, if there's only one tree in the raid with that talent, but otherwise we can always guesstimate it.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Getting the most out of World of Logs

For those who are interested in sharing their experiences using WoL, I have created 2 threads on World of Raids and mmo-champion.

By sharing your experiences, you will help us reach more wow gamers and help out your fellow raiders to understand how to get more out of our tools and perhaps even come up with better suggestions for Miles and Maihem



Future of World of Logs

So far we have received mainly positive comments from users. We also had people who were wondering about the future of World of Logs. and what WoL will become after the Beta phase has been passed.

Will the website still be quick enough as more and more users are going to make use of it. How are you going to cover the operational cost, since hosting a website cost money (servers, data traffic). Is there a way to support WoL, for example with accepting donations. Will there be premium accounts introduced to pay for the monthly expenses? How about the storage of raid reports?

Therefore, I would like to provide you with more information about how we would like to see WoL develop in the near future.

Our vision to create an online platform where World of Warcraft gamers can share, save and analyze their gaming performance conveniently, therefore our goal is to keep our website open for everybody and free of charge. In addition, in an ideal situation there would be unlimited data storage for everyone.

However, we are still in the evaluation and testing period to see whether our advertising income is able to cover the monthly costs. At the moment this is not enough at all. We have been trying out different ads companies lately with mixed success. Therefore, we will all have to wait and see how things develop.

There is a possibility that we will have to introduce premium accounts for users who require optimal performance and are willing to pay for the additional service. Moreover, acceptance of donations may be set up. All of this will require us to set up an administration and a lot of paper work, therefore we are hoping that the ads revenue will be enough.

About the website performance, I have no doubt that Maihem and Miles are able to handle the traffic stream when our website become more popular. Of course, there can be ups and downs during some periods.

For those who are wondering how you can help us, spread the word!

Feel free to comment here or post questions



Thanks Beta Testers

Dear WoL users,

This blog has been created to provide you with the latest news concerning World of Logs.

We would like to thank you all for testing out WoL, helping us grow steadily in the last 2 weeks after the Beta launch. We are also very grateful for all the feedback we got, since it really helped us improving our services.

This blog will be mainly used by me (Albert), probably none of you have ever heard about. I am responsible for achieving a sustainable business model for World of Logs and marketing the website.

Most of the forum visitors should be familiar with Maihem and Miles, who are the masterminds behind WoL, they are the programmers responding to your feature requests and bugs reports. So better be nice to them ^^

I hope that via blogging, increased understanding and better communications between WoL and its users will be achieved.

